“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is”, said scientist at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) back in March 2000


Tim Blair –January 08, 10

“Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past,” claimed the Independent, back in March 2000:

Britain’s winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives.

Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain’s culture, as warmer winters – which scientists are attributing to global climate change – produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries.

What sort of kooky climate clown would ever predict such a thing?

According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.

They might be getting a vague idea now. David Viner, by the way, has since become the ”head of the British Council’s climate change programme”, whatever that means.


8 Responses to ““Children just aren’t going to know what snow is”, said scientist at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) back in March 2000”

  1. Donna Laframboise

    I, too, have blogged about this – at more exended length. It appears Britain received plenty of snow in all but one (2002) of the 10 years since Dr. Viner made his “prediction” that snow would become a rare event.



    Donna Laframboise

  2. John

    The UK is now going through the worst snowstorms in 50 years! Some elderly people there are burning books to keep warm.

  3. David Hoyle

    I am 53 … my Dad and I went skating on the Lancaster canal when I was 4. He made a sledge for me when I was 10 and I never used it because it didn’t snow…I gave it away when I was 18…2 years later it snowed… 5 years after that I had a HUGE snowball fight with a policeman who lived opposite me on New years Eve/night… not long after that I left the UK for sunnier climes because I hated the COLD even though it didn’t always snow…I feel vindicated as well relieved for leaving .. This is NOT an isolated event … I told friends in the UK to expect a cold winter when the Met office was predicting and above average temp winter last October. How is it that I, a mere mortal, got it right and the Met office got it wrong… I blame the sunspots… I’ve been watching sunspots and there frequency since I was 25 or so…so far I’m right. Shame the Met. office can’t follow the ‘simple’
    BTW the sun is VERY quiet at the moment and has been for a couple of years now… watch this space.

  4. karl golledge

    get in line people or we will send the global police to send
    you to re-education camp. It consists of 24 hour Al Gore movie,
    Robert Kennedy jr doing speeches about the missing sea ice and dead polar bears.

    karl golledge

  5. april

    aw, the poor polar bears? Well, I never got to see one anyway seeing as I live in West Texas…Where it hardly ever snows in the first place. Then randomly in APRIL of 2006, we had a freak blizzard…global warming a threat of no snow? I think not.

  6. Craig

    hmm — I can see how regional snow fall (i.e. over UK) makes it hard to believe the whole hemisphere is warming, but hasn’t Canada recorded an unusually warm winter this year, and didn;t 2009 rank as one of (6th? 9th? not sure) the warmest?

    I thought the winter olympics were almost cancelled due to rainfall in areas where there should usually have been snow.


  7. J Bowers

    Sorry folks, but David Viner got it right.

    “Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. “We’re really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time,” he said.”
    — David Viner further on in the Independent article.

    And here in Britain, where he was talking about, that’s exactly what has happened and is happening.

  8. J Bowers

    Craig — “hmm — I can see how regional snow fall (i.e. over UK) makes it hard to believe the whole hemisphere is warming, but hasn’t Canada recorded an unusually warm winter this year, and didn;t 2009 rank as one of (6th? 9th? not sure) the warmest?”

    Parts of Greenland have been warmer than San Francisco, while Nuuk was up to 14C higher than usual on November 29th. The Hudson Bay freezeover was 3 weeks overdue last I heard.

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